Friday, April 8, 2011

NVIDIA's April Fools Prank

Can be seen here . I think they're really good at it and this one is the #1 prank of 2011.

I opened up the old family computer. I found the AMD Duron CPU, which is almost as old as me.

My Teacher

I was making my way through MSDN, looking at Win32 API console functions to make my own gotoxy() function in Visual C++ 6.0. My C++ programming teacher looked at my screen and asked:

Teacher: "What are you doing?"
Me: "I'm trying to find out how to make a gotoxy() in Visual C++. I'll have to use Win32 API functions."
Teacher: "No you don't have to use API functions! Just take Borland C++ 3.1 headers and put them in Visual C++ 6.0 include directory."
Me: "Heuh......."
Unfortunately, Borland C++ 3.1 was designed for DOS and Win16. Visual C++ works on Win32. Worse, headers only contain types and class declarations, defines, and function prototypes. I don't know how my teacher thought this would work.

Pause English

My Friend: "Yesterday, I reprogrammed my computer."
Me: "Okay...."
My Friend: "Not my Mac, but my PC. It has Windows Vista."
Me: "Yes, and what language did you use?"
My Friend: (pause) "English."
Me: "English?"
My Friend: "Yeah, English."

Qbasic and Windows

Him: "I can download games like Quake and play them during lunch, you know."
Me: "We're only allowed 10 megs in our accounts, and the system administrators would notice you downloading a large file."
Him: "Nah, I could hack it so he couldn't."
Me: "Ah, so you are into hacking. By the way do you know any programming languages?"
Him: "Yeah, of course."
Me: "Which ones?"
Him: "I can't tell you or else you'll use them."
Me: "Just by mentioning C++ or Pascal or whatever will not instantly make me a genius with those languages."
Him: "Oh sorry, I didn't understand you. Yeah, I know C++ and Pascal."
Me: "What compiler do you use?"
Him: "Well, Qbasic is my favorite."
Me: "Nobody over the age of eight uses QBasic for serious purposes."
Him: "But they made windows with QBasic."
I almost cried laughing.